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Industry Solutions

Cybersecurity for Water and Wastewater

Prepare for future cybersecurity regulations of critical infrastructure and safeguard public health and the continuous, secure operation of water and wastewater systems with stringent cybersecurity measures.

Two professionals chatting.


You’re Critical to Maintaining Public Health

You have a vital role to play in public health and safety, and that’s precisely why malicious entities engage in ransomware attacks, data breaches, and even cyber-physical attacks on water treatment facilities.

Get cybersecurity for water and wastewater and gain confidence that you have the tools, processes, and people in place to ensure we have clean and safe water operations.

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Cybersecurity for Water and Wastewater Facilities

Enhance Cybersecurity Awareness

When everyone in the water and wastewater industry understands what security looks like — and what it doesn’t — you’ll help secure the most vulnerable layer: humans.

Streamline Information Sharing

Facilitating seamless information sharing between government and industry is a critical step in cybersecurity for water and wastewater organizations.

Bolster Cybersecurity Culture

Strengthening your cybersecurity culture means creating set processes and expectations for your team members — so everyone shares the same security commitment.

Identify and Prioritize Risks

Cybersecurity water and wastewater industry understanding helps your team prioritize needs, expedite recovery after an attack, and update risk management plans.

Align to Safe Water Regulations

Our team has deep Knowledge of EPA regulations, DHS/CISA performance goals, and presidential politics and presidential policies, and we’ll apply water security frameworks and provide guidelines for security and resiliency.

We rely on you for critical public health needs.

Water and Wastewater Cybersecurity a Vital Public Health Need

You keep the US population safe and protect the public health of millions of people every day. We’re here to protect you.


Of the US population gets clean drinking water from water utilities


Of the US population served by sanitary and sewage treatment entities

Water and Wastewater Risks

Cyberattacks and Bioterrorism in Water and Wastewater Industry

Critical infrastructure faces critical threats.

The water and wastewater sector faces unique challenges in cybersecurity, given your vital role in public health and safety. Threats such as ransomware attacks, data breaches, and cyber-physical attacks on water treatment facilities pose significant risks — both to you and the communities you serve.

Compromised water supply systems or wastewater treatment plants could have severe consequences, affecting entire communities. Safeguard critical infrastructure with cybersecurity for water and wastewater facilities.

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A woman using a tablet for work

Cybersecurity Solutions

Stay Secure with Water and Wastewater Cybersecurity Solutions

When you partner with Level Nine, you’ll have the confidence in your water and wastewater cybersecurity program to focus more on your mission.

Talk to an Advisor

Medical Device 524B

Mitigate the risk of security incidents and strengthen medical device cybersecurity by complying with section 524B of the FD&C Act.

ICS and OT Compliance

Improve your operational technology and industrial control systems’ (OT/ICS) security, and comply with critical infrastructure regulations.

Cloud Security

Protect data in transit and at rest while securing your cloud infrastructure from vulnerabilities with enhanced cloud security.

Supply Chain Security

Defend against digital warfare and supply chain attacks with end-to-end critical infrastructure cybersecurity solutions.


Embed cybersecurity practices into your products, software, services and processes by designing with a security-first approach.


Safeguard Water with Cybersecurity Solutions for Utilities

Our water and wastewater cybersecurity solutions give you the immediate and ongoing support needed to protect your organization from ongoing cyberrisks.

Professional Services

Build a strong security program with our professional cybersecurity services.

Assessment & Testing

Identify vulnerabilities and test your security systems with assessment and testing services.

Threat Modeling

Protect the integrity of applications, firmware, or operating systems with third-party component analysis and application security support.

Architecture & Design

Build a secure foundation for your organization with layered security that covers endpoints, networks, data, and people.

Risk & Regulatory

Comply with industry security standards and address risk systematically with risk management services.

CISO Advisory

Partner with our CISO advisory team to enhance your cybersecurity leadership practice and strengthen your communication.

Managed Services

Focus on strategy by leveraging our ongoing managed cybersecurity services.

Detection & Response

Offload threat detection and response protocols to an experienced team of security professionals.

SBOM Monitoring & Analysis

Identify and reduce risk in the software supply chain with managed SBOM monitoring and analysis.

Engineering Support

Maintain the security infrastructure of your organization with a team experienced in operating cybersecurity systems.

Product Security

Ship secure products designed end-to-end with the security of you and your customers in mind.

A cybersecurity advisor working on a laptop

Protect Public Health with Water and Wastewater Cybersecurity

For 15+ years, we’ve helped the water and wastewater industry secure critical infrastructure and public health.

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